The National Airsoft Festival 2024

Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th August, 2024

Welcome to our brand new website for The National Airsoft Festival, hosted at one of the UK's largest, most popular, and diverse airsoft venues in the country, Ground Zero Airsoft.

The NAF has been running since 2007, when we made history by hosting what was the largest airsoft event ever held in the history of UK airsoft, bringing players from all over the world together in one game. It's now become THE airsoft event of the year, with a great festival vibe. Every year the NAF gets bigger & better with more events and extra activities, interesting and in depth game features and most importantly, all of you, to make it a truly fantastic weekend for everyone involved, on and off the field!

We are one of very few airsoft events anywhere near this size in the world that has 'succeeded' more than once, and at the airsoft festival it just gets better with every year. Where else can you go and be part of the largest ever airsoft game, have a great time with airsofter's from pretty much everywhere, and leave with a huge grin on your face gagging for next year to come...

We've planned a cracking airsoft holiday break for you and your fellow airsoft team mates, whether you are from Glasgow, Belfast, Paris, California or just down the road in Dorset.

Airsoft is a social thing; it's what makes the sport so good. We always say that a good airsoft day is 60% social, and 40% airsoft. Think about it - it's true. Ground Zero is all about giving you a great weekend that you will be talking about for many months, if not years to come. Our focus is on giving you a fantastic all round experience, which that starts in the safe zone with a friendly, clean and fully facilitated event atmosphere, including stalls, great food, on-site bar, music and entertainment. This spreads onto the battlefield where you will be free to choose what you do, where you go to do it, and when. It is our special style of airsoft gameplay that makes people want to come back time and time again.

Sure, you can do your own thing all weekend if that's your style, or you can play like a true operator and make it your mission to grab as many objectives as you can, following the two-day rolling scenario to the letter, or any mix in between. It's all about a great day for everyone - an airsoft holiday, not a timetable. We welcome your entire families for a weekend away camping, It's a great atmosphere where no one gets chance to be lonely and bored!

If you are interested in being part of this years largest airsoft gathering then take a look around the website, where you will be able to find everything you need to know about The National Airsoft Festival, what its all about, and what's planned for this year.
Gates open at 08:00 on Friday 23rd August, 2024
00 00 00 00
Days Hours Minutes Seconds


Gates Open
Please do not arrive before this time as there is nowhere to queue.
Sign In Opens
Once you've setup camp head to the sign in desk to pick up your entry wrist bands and tags.
Take a look round all the awesome stalls at the event.
Chill / Socialize
Once you've signed in head to the bar and relax with a pint.
Pistols & Shotgun Game
Get warmed up with a pistols & shotguns only game.
Live Band In The Bar
Head to the bar and take in the tunes.


Player Briefing
Head to the main event field for the player brief.
Game On!
The main game starts, make sure you're there!
Main Game Ends
The main Saturday game comes to an end.
Player Raffle
Every player gets entered into a raffle for a chance to win some awesome prizes!
Live Band In The Bar
Head into the bar and enjoy the music of a local band and round off the night with a few drinks.


Main Game Continues
Head straight out to your starting bases ready for game on.
Main Game Ends!
The main game ends, if you're staying 'till Monday we'll see you in the bar!
Pub Quiz In The Bar
A great laugh with lots of "Free Sh!t" to give away!


Current Participant Price

Early Bird Bookings
Before 31st May
Normal Bookings £130
Late Bookings
On or after 1st August

This covers the whole weekends gameplay (two full game days and a pistol & shotgun game), Friday & Saturday nights camping & all entertainment and facilities.

Camping & Facilities Only £65
If you want to attend the festival but don't want to play, or you want to bring your partners & family down with you to enjoy the spirit of the event, but they don't want to play.

All children 12 and under are free (camping only) with any paying adult.

Sorry, bookings have now closed for this year.

Make sure you Follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date.

Full payment must be made at the time of booking. All payments are final and non-refundable. Prices are per person.
Please click here for our Terms & Conditions

Pay with Visa Debit/CreditPay with Mastercard Debit/CreditPay with American ExpressPay with Klarna

Private Toilet

Public toilets are of course provided for everyone, included in the price of the weekend.

You can however, if you wish, opt to have a private toilet that is just for you or your team - a nice touch that is not provided by other festivals!

Private toilets must be booked in advance, through us only. If you decide you want a private toilet after you're placed your booking, simply head to the manage booking page and you can add one to your booking (if still available) from there.

Private toilets will be located in numerous static 'private toilet zones'. In each zone there will be a group of private toilets, each numbered and locked with a combination padlock. You will be given the details of your assigned private toilet on arrival, based on the zone you have chosen your toilet to be located in, near to where you plan to camp.

Please ensure you arrive in plenty of time to claim a camping pitch in appropriate proximity to your chosen private toilet zone.

Please note that once bookings close, the location you have chosen on your manage booking page will be locked in, and we will be unable to re-allocate or move private toilets to another zone, as the site plans will have been submitted to our toilet contractor for placement. It is your responsibility to keep your private toilet in useable condition throughout the event. Because your toilet is locked, private toilets can not be cleaned or serviced during the event by our toilet contractors.

Private Toilet


Ground Zero Airsoft is located within minutes of the main motorway into Dorset, and so couldn't be easier or quicker to find.
The National Airsoft Festival is signposted once you leave the motorway and will guide you straight into the welcoming faces of our marshals on the entrance.

Latt: 50.86125069677604, Long: -1.810705864226069

Our what3words location is ///surprises.strictest.sprayer

Our postcode is BH24 2DF which will take you to the entrance road of the site.


Total players:

Whether you choose to play as Bravo, Delta or The Others at the event, you'll have a fantastic time!
In reality the only difference between any of the teams is their starting locations in the game (which change each year), and the colour of your player identification bands.

Bravo - The National Airsoft Festival 2024
Limited to 1000 players
Delta - The National Airsoft Festival 2024
Limited to 1000 players
The Others - The National Airsoft Festival 2024
The Others
Limited to 1000 players

Festival Merchandise

You can add a selection of pre-order goodies to your booking, courtesy of Zero One Airsoft.
These items will be ready for you to collect on your arrival from inside the GZ Bar Marquee, behind the stage. Please make sure you have your booking reference and some ID to hand when you come to collect.

Pint Tumbler - Bravo
NAF Foam Finger - Bravo
PVC Velcro Patch - Bravo
Pint Tumbler - Delta
NAF Foam Finger - Delta
PVC Velcro Patch - Delta
Pint Tumbler - The Others
NAF Flower Headband - Others Blue
NAF Foam Finger - The Others
PVC Velcro Patch - The Others
NAF Disposable Rain Poncho

Stalls & Vendors

Food VendorsRetail StallsAirsoft RetailersManufacturersMedia StandsMilitary VillageLiving HistoryOther StallsApplication Form

Enjoy the occasion and event even off of the battlefield, with the growing amount of stalls to browse around, and great food to make your mouth water!

If you are a stallholder and would like a pitch at our event, please fill out our exhibitors application form.

Stalls & Vendors

Prize Draw

Every participant at the event gets entered into a prize draw for a chance to win some awesome prizes that we have arranged with airsoft manufacturers from all over the world.

The prize draw is called on the Saturday evening, after the main game, in the stalls arena. Make sure you have your player tags on you as they are your raffle ticket!

Site Rules

All professional airsoft sites have the same basic rules. Most are just common sense, and if you already play airsoft you will know them very well.

We display the basic rules on signs in the safe zone, as well as including them in your player packs.

Here are our own GZ 'quirks' that you may not be so familiar with.

FPS Limits
FPS Limits (always measured with a 0.20g BB)

  • 350fps with an AEG
    (must not exceed 1.14 joules)

  • 425fps semi-automatic or a gas rifle with a 4 second pause between shots to simulate re-cocking
    (1.68 joules )

  • 500fps with a bolt action rifle
    (maximum 2.32 joules)

Any gun following these rules, that fire at above 350fps should adhere to a 30 metre minimum engagement distance. It is the shooters responsibility to understand how far 30 metres is, as ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse for abuse of this rule.

Anything obscure/not listed will fall under the AEG category above with a maximum limit of 350fps.

Propellant & Unapproved Devices
The use of propellants other than approved airsoft gas in gas guns is strictly prohibited. If you are caught using unapproved propellants, you will be asked to leave the site for safety reasons.

The use of pyrotechnics by players is strictly forbidden with the exceptions detailed below. This includes gas and CO2 devices not specifically specified below.

  • Blank Firing Pistols / Rifles

  • Dynatex Blank Firing Hand Grenade (9mm or .209 Primers only)

  • Mad Bull & Ultraforce Landmines

  • 40mm Gas Grenades

  • Spring & Gas Claymores

Camp Fires & BBQ's
Fires and BBQ’s are permitted as long as they are off the ground, will not mark or damage the grass, and are in a suitable fireproof container. No fires are to be lit if you are camping near trees. You MUST have plenty of water, or an extinguisher on standby, before using any gas burner or lighting any fire.

Bins are provided in all dead zones across the gaming area and in various locations in the safe area. Littering is not tolerated and if seen deliberately flouting this simple instruction, you may be asked to leave.
Whilst we have staff working in the safe area where a certain amount of "blow away litter" is expected, it is impossible to keep 150 acres of forest clean. All we ask is that you pocket it until you get shot, and then bin it at a dead zone. A clean forest makes for a more realistic gaming environment.

Player Abuse
Verbal (& physical) abuse is not tolerated under any circumstances. We have a strict 0% tolerance with this type of behaviour. If you loose it, you're off the site for good. It's that simple. GZ is a friendly place and we attract friendly players, and we intend to keep it that way.

Player Tag Numbers
Each team is given a colour (Orange, Green & Blue). This enables you to identify your enemies.
Each players tags are then numbered with their own unique number, which is tied to their bookings. This enables anyone to identify a specific person.
If you want to report a player for cheating, a hot gun, or abuse etc. simply give one of our marshals the players tag number and we'll pull him back to the safe area for a chat.

Close Kills & CQB Areas
At GZ we do not operate a bang kill rule, but we do allow knife kills. If you can approach a player and tap him on the shoulder or back saying "knife kill" then the player must take that as a hit.

HPA Guns
HPA Guns must conform to our normal FPS limits, and have the ability to be tournament locked. This applies to ALL HPA guns regardless of make or model, and there will be no exclusions. If you do not have the ability to tournament lock your gun, then you will not be able to use it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the event schedule?

08:00 Booking in opens and players arrive and begin setting up their camps. Stalls open.
18:00 Small Pistol and Shotgun Game (for itchy trigger fingers).
19:00 Live Band Starts.
23:00 Live Band Finishes.
01:00 Bar Closes.


09:15 Players should be leaving the camping area and heading towards the main area.
09:30 Players should congregate at the stall area for the main brief. Please do not be late!
10:15 Teams start to move off to bases for game start.
10:30 Main Game Starts.
18:00 Main Games Ends.
19:00 Team Scores & Prize Raffle Starts.
19:30 Live Band Starts.
22:30 Live Band Finishes.
01:00 Bar Closes.


10:30 Main Game Continues - no morning brief - head to starting base for game on.
16:00 Main Game Ends.
19:30 Airsoft Pub Quiz in the Bar.
00:00 Bar Closes
What is the earliest I can get there?
Gates open at 08:00 on Friday and people must not arrive before this time. Please do not come early to get in the queue as it causes us issues on the main road with the police and the estate.
What is the latest I can get there?
Booking in closes on Friday when the queue dies down, usually around 22:00. If you miss booking in it will open again Saturday morning, so you can arrive any time after the event opens.
Are you checking my COVID-19 vaccination status?
No, we are not asking for anyone's vaccination status. This is not required.
Do I need to take a COVID-19 test before arrival?
No, we do not require you to take a test before attending. It would however be sensible, good practice to do so. We do not require the result; but request that for obvious reasons, you do not attend if it is positive, or if you think there may be a chance that you have coronavirus.
Are the 40 Mike grenades by Airsoft Innovations allowed on your site?
We are afraid not, we operate an overkill rule and these do not conform to our health and safety policy!
Is there clean drinking water on site?
Yes, there is a mains water supply and multiple taps around the site and camping area.
What are your FPS limits?
FPS Limits (always measured with a 0.20g BB)

  • 350fps with an AEG
    (must not exceed 1.14 joules)

  • 425fps semi-automatic or a gas rifle (with a 4 second pause between shots to simulate re-cocking)
    (1.68 joules )

  • 500fps with a bolt action rifle
    (maximum 2.32 joules)

Minimum engagement range for any gun firing over 350fps is 30 meters.
To be classed as semi auto at 425fps, the gun must have no full auto capability at all.
What is the minimum age for the NAF?
The minimum age to participate is 14.

Children and family members are welcome to join you whatever the age.

Under 12s are free of charge, to camp only, and don't need to be booked. We do however advise against bringing young children as they can not be left unattended.
Can I come for just 1 of the days?
There are no single day passes to this event.
Can I come on my own or do I have to be part of a team?
You can do either, as you choose. Being part of a team is not a requirement - go freelance or join up with other players in your chosen faction.
Can I bring a generator?
Yes, but please choose wisely when positioning yourself in the camping area! While we are aware that people have come to GZ to enjoy themselves, we ask that everyone is aware that some people will be going to bed at a reasonable hour. All music, films and generators must be switched off, or down to an acceptable level as it gets late.

Marshals will be patrolling the camping area and if you are asked to reduce your volume, please do so without argument.

They will decide if the hour is too late or the volume is too loud. Not complying with their request will result in you being asked to turn it off completely, or leave the site.
Can I use pyros on site?
Hot burning pyros like Enola Gay and TLSFx are not allowed - not even the ring pull versions.

If you want to use grenades, then purchase either a blank firing grenade (9mm or below) or something that uses gas or compressed air to fire.

Please note that some makes of blank firing grenade are not officially proofmarked, therefore we only allow Dynatex grenades on our site, that use 9mm or .209 primer blanks. No other makes are permitted for safety reasons.
How far away is the camping site from the parking and game area!
You park right next to your tent. The game area and stalls area is between 3 and 15 minutes walk, depending on where you setup in the camping fields!
Can I bring a caravan/camper van?
Yes, but you must use that as your living, sleeping and socializing area. You will not be permitted to pitch a tent or a marquee in addition to your caravan (excluding awning) as it will occupy too much space, forcing others to camp further away than necessary. Please also note that camping is in a field, not a landscaped campsite, so there are no electrical hookups or anywhere to dump your chemical toilets!

You are not permitted to empty chemical toilets into our event toilets.
Can I bring a dog?
Sorry, but due to problems in the past we do not allow dogs on site.
I'm coming from far away, I can only get flights/ferry that arrive the day before.
No arrivals, for whatever reason, are allowed before Friday morning. If you need to arrive in Ringwood before the event is due to start, we recommend the following close-by hotels for the night:
Travelodge, Premier Inn & The Village.
Can I arrange my own portable toilet?
No. For everyone's safety on site and so as not to cause excess traffic in the camping arena - particularly large lorries - no outside arrangements can be made. Private Toilets can be booked through ourselves, which are managed in an organised and controlled environment.
Are there any showers?
YES! New for 2024 there will be showers. There will be a nominal £2 charge per shower this year (which can be paid by card when entering the shower area). Since this is the first year we are running them we are yet to work out the opening times. Please fill out our survey on the booking page to help us.
Are there battery & phone charging facilities?
We do offer gun battery charging facilities in the main field, however there is always a long queue. If possible please make sure you have enough batteries/charge in them to last you for the weekend.

We do not offer sockets for phone charging.
Are HPA guns allowed?
They are permitted, as long as they conform to our normal FPS limits and have the ability to be tournament locked. This applies to ALL HPA guns regardless of make or model and there will be no exclusions. If you do not have the ability to tournament lock the gun, then you will not be able to use it.
Do you have HPA charging facilities?
Yes, Zero One Airsoft are able to refill HPA bottles for a small charge from within the on-site shop in the bar marquee.
Are there camo requirements for the different teams?
No, you are free to wear any type of camo/kit you want. We issue coloured bands to identify which team players are on (these are included in your player pack).
When do I get my player pack?
After you arrive and have selected your parking/camping spot, head down to the player sign-in area, located by the gamezone entrance, in the main stalls/faciltiies area. Remember to bring your tickets with you - these can either be printed, or loaded up ready on your phone.

On presentation of your tickets you will be given your player tags, team armbands and NAF collectable patch. Our staff will also fit to your wrist non-removable wristbands according to your booking (player, camping only, extra night stay, VIP etc.).

To help the environment, all documents, including the rules, game plan and map are no longer printed, and must be downloaded in advance yourself by logging in to 'manage your booking' on our website.
Can I use your Ground Zero or National Airsoft Festival logo on my own flag/patch/banners?
No, our logo and other assets can not be used without our prior written approval.
Are there cash machines/cash back at the event?
Unfortunately not, but Zero One Airsoft, The GZ Bar and the player sign-in desk all take card payments, as do most other vendors at the event.
Can I shoot and sell photographs at your event?
Photography for resale/at charge is strictly prohibited, other than by authorised stallholders. Such a stallholder will have a physical presence in the stalls field where sales will be conducted from, and have the necessary stallholder permit attached to their stall.
Can I use a drone at your event?
Drones must comply with all UK laws and regulations, and carry public and property liability insurance. Drones are not permitted to be flown outside our camping arena or game site. The airspace around the estate house is restricted.
Can I sell things in the camping fields?

We recognise that for many, selling used airsoft kit at the side of your camps is convenient, and allows great atmosphere in the camping area as people walk around to check out the campsite action, and what might be on offer. It also allows you to sell your kit whilst you chill with your mates in your camp.

We do allow and encourage second hand sales in the rear fields to build on the great vibes. This is on the basis that anything sold is used, and by private sale. Our security staff have been briefed on this basis. Anyone selling new, or for profit items, MUST be registered with us, and MUST be in the front field.

Any other sales of any nature for profit items or services by non-approved stallholders are strictly prohibited at all times on our property. This includes but is not limited to all new sales, bulk second hand sales (i.e. surplus), repairs for money, and any other activities that include an exchange of money. As per our terms & conditions, anyone found violating these simple rules will void their entry ticket and be asked to leave the site immediately.

We also have a designated second hand sales area in the main stalls arena, if you want to showcase your items with much more footfall, which might result in a quicker sale. Again, this area is for personal/private sales of used guns and kit. It is not a forum for traders of used equipment, who must book as a vetted stallholder in the normal way.

All authorised stallholders will have the necessary stallholder permit attached to their stall or vehicle.
Can I advertise, or leaflet drop at your event?
Promotion of any nature at the venue, whether in the camping fields or in the stalls arena, is strictly prohibited without our prior authorisation.

This applies to anything, other than for the purpose of individual airsoft teams and groups (non-commercial).

'Promotion' includes, but is not limited to; banners, flags, posters, patches, flyers, leaflets, and business cards.

A fine equal to a stallholders pitch fee may be issued for any unauthorised activity (which may be traced back to the source and issued as an invoice after the event) and/or you may be asked to immediately leave the venue.

Please use the stallholders booking system to apply for any promotional permission, even if you do not want a physical presence.
Is the site wheelchair accessible?
Whilst our skirmish site isn't wheelchair accessible, the camping area and stalls are on fairly flat grass and gravel ground and we do provide accessible toilets.